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Possum Boxes (right)
We make possum boxes for both Brush Tailed and Ring Tailed possums. Having a possum box is a great way of keeping the possums out of your roof! $50
Kookaburra nest box (centre)
Kookaburras like a long nest box. $50
Rosella nest box (left)
The baffle across the front helps to keep pest species such as Indian Mynahs out of the next box. S50
Bird Feeder & aviary nest boxes
A variety of sizes and styles are available:
Left $20
Centre $20
Right $12
If you need something specific, please ask us.
Large Bird Feeders
Hanging or for mounting on your post.
Left $40
Right $90
Large Bird Houses
For mounting on your post. Various finishes available.
$85-120 each depending on size an complexity
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